Sunday 9 March 2008

Winter has returned

and yesterday morning I left the nest to find it snowy and cold outside. Today is foggy and miserable as well thus far. I'm not complaining (apparently there has been lots of snow in some parts of the USA) but I do need to put a jacket on before heading out the door.
Club Moose is officially up and running! I have linked to the Mighty Moose's blog and hope to hear more from Singapore in the days and months to come. I'm sure that it will be interesting and exciting (get the hint, guys?) and lots of fun for all concerned.
I was in the gym again yesterday and will be going back in there later today too. It does take a while to notice any real change, but at least I am motivated to get on and do some real work. It is only a few weeks until our next holiday and I would like to be able to get out and enjoy a hike or a bike ride without suffering too much :-)
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday

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