Wednesday 5 March 2008

I'm just waitin' for the man

and he tells me that we might be in business as soon as this weekend :-) Really looking forward to the ClubMoose blog kicking off and being able to see what is going on in Singapore!
Meanwhile the world is going to hell in a handcart........ I don't know if I have even been able to read any good news yet this week. It seems to be doom and gloom whichever way you turn and sadly I think that it will continue that way for at least a while yet. The saying was that during the bull markets it was time to sell as soon as a hairdresser started to give you market tips..... dunno what to do about bear time.
We had a little snow here last night and again this morning- a reminder that it is still only the start of March (although Easter is only a couple of weeks away and we change our clocks at the end of the month). It has been a mild and relatively dry winter and with a bit of luck things will continue that way into spring so that I can get out and enjoy the hills and the roads around this area too.


Mrs Moose said...

ClubMoose-Singapore is born ....

9/3/2008 ...

Mrs Moose said...

forgot the important stuff ... how to find it ....

happy Sunday to the Hamiltons !