Sunday 10 August 2008

It has been a most enjoyable weekend

and I have managed to do some good training, have a couple of great meals, get some sleep and pretty much avoid the Street Parade. Catherine and I were in the city quickly yesterday to do a few things (a quick lunch at a favourite Asian place, buy a new bike pump, some work in the office and a gym session) and we saw all sorts of outfits and people heading to (and from) the Zürich Street Parade. The gold medal went to an old guy dressed (almost perfectly) as Marge Simpson! It was a fantastic outfit and I can only wonder if he was meeting up with the rest of the family during the day!?!
Today is the last round of the US PGA and I haven't even bothered to look to see who is leading- although I might get around to doing that shortly. On the sporting front, congratulations to Fabian Cancellara on a bronze medal in the Men's Cycling Road Race. It was a great performance and will only serve to reinforce his favouritism for the upcoming Time Trial. If Cadel Evans is OK after the road race, this race against the clock should be a classic.
A busy week ahead for me- hope to catch up with Big Dan and I have my fingers crossed that the Black Prince of Vaduz will also favour us with a visit.............. that will be some kind of night out! A wedding on Friday evening will finish the week (and me) off in fine style.

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